Sunday 24 June 2018

Nature, Elements and Classification of Cost

Types of Cost
Cost could either be fixed, variable or semi-variable
               i.          Fixed Cost: is any cost or expenses that are fixed irrespective of the level of activities attained. Fixed cost per unit decrease as output increases. Examples are rent of factory building, managerial salary etc.

ii.         Variable Cost: Is any cost or an expense that varies with the level of activities, variable cost per unit remains constant. Examples of variable cost are raw material, wages etc.           

          iii.          Semi-Variable Cost: These are costs that behaves sometimes like variable cost and some other times like fixed cost. They are example of expenses which contains both a fixed-costing it is fixed and as time goes on it begins to vary with level of activities for example telephone charges, electricity bills. The fixed cost element shall be a part of the cost that needs to be paid irrespective of the level of activity achieve by the entity. On the other hand the variable cost component of the cost is payable proportionate to the level of activity. It shows similarities to telephone bills. One must pay line rental and on top of that a price that depends on how heavy one is using the service. So it changes with output. Another example is satellite television. A price for the box must be paid monthly and to get additional movies, more money has to be given cost of energy, such as electricity, is a good example as it is integral to production of goods and services. This component straddles both fixed and variable universe, because electrical power is essential for the basic operation of the business in lighting and heating – this portion is a sunk cost that is forgone regardless of production.
As demand ramps up, more energy is acquired to ramp up the production process in the use of machinery or large banks of computers for instance. Cost of electrical energy will then rise accordingly as production activities increase.
Therefore, the cost of electricity can be viewed as semi-variable. Another example is salaried employees who are also compensated by commissions. This group is paid on a fixed salary plus they are also rewarded based on the volume of sales they can generate, or other forms of quantitative measures based on revenues to the firm.
Semi-variable cost is partly fixed and partly variable example which is cost of supervision and inspection, repairs and maintenance. These costs remain fixed up to a certain limit of output, but as soon as that level of activity is exceeded these costs tend to vary.
          iv.           Step fixed cost: These are costs that react whenever the budget level of activities is exceeded.  

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